I know this is normally a picture book day, but I haven't been reading a lot of picture books lately. Or at least, I haven't been reading a variety of picture books lately. We have been sticking to some old faithfuls.
Over the last month my reading has really picked up and I have read a lot. I have also not finished a lot and rather than have a separate post for each one star rated book, I thought I would combine them, leaving the stand a lone posts for the books I have actually completed. As with any one star rated book, I may try reading them again. But at this point in my life they weren't for me for a variety of reasons.
Since I didn't actually finish them, and one book I only read thirty pages, the synopsis will be taken from goodreads.com.
from goodreads |
How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn
1 star
How Green Was My Valley is Richard Llewellyn's bestselling -- and timeless -- classic and the basis of a beloved film. As Huw Morgan is about to leave home forever, he reminisces about the golden days of his youth when South Wales still prospered, when coal dust had not yet blackened the valley. Drawn simply and lovingly, with a crisp Welsh humor, Llewellyn's characters fight, love, laugh and cray, creating an indelible portrait of a people.
My Thoughts
I tried to like this book. It is supposed to be a classic and when I checked on goodreads to see what others thought almost everyone thought it was five stars amazing, so I kept on slugging along. I got about two thirds through and then had to throw in the towel. I found the pace slow, and I really didn't care about the characters. I couldn't figure out what the point of the book was. Was it just a snap shot of real life in Wales? Was it about unions? I don't know.
When I threw in the towel, I found a few lonely souls who were like me and also did not get the book at all. One person, Elizabeth, spelled it out exactly how I was thinking she says "On the one hand I recognize that it is beautifully written. Possibly the most beautifully written prose I've ever read. But beautiful prose isn't really that exciting for me. It kept putting me to sleep and it was taking FOREVER to get through the book... I wanted to know 'what happens.' But nothing ever does. Not really."
Elizabeth, if you are reading this, it is exactly how I felt, though the prose wasn't the most beautiful I had ever read, but I will say it was well written. It was also a a great tool for combating insomnia. It put me right to sleep, literally.
I will admit, I did like the sense of community their little town had, and how they were always having large gatherings with food. But seriously in the book those large gatherings were happening almost every other page. Enough already, we get it, they like to party and have a good time.
Maybe someday I will read the remaining pages, but it won't be any time soon. Maybe I will just watch the movie, though right now I have no desire to do so.
from goodreads |
Austenland by Shannon Hale
1 star
Jane Hayes is a seemingly normal young New Yorker, but she has a secret. Her obsession with Mr. Darcy, as played by Colin Firth in the BBC adaptation of
Pride and Prejudice, is ruining her love life: no real man can compare. But when a wealthy relative bequeaths her a trip to an English resort catering to Austen-crazed women, Jane's fantasies of meeting the perfect Regency-era gentleman suddenly becomes realer than she could have imagined.
Decked out in empire-waist gowns, Jane struggles to master Regency etiquette and flirts with gardeners and gentlemen; or maybe even, she suspects, with actors who are playing them. It's all a game, Jane knows. And yet the longer she stays, the more her insecurities seem to fall away, and the more she wonders: Is she about to kick the Austen obsession for good, or could all her dreams actually culminate in a Mr. Darcy of her own?
My Thoughts
Well I made it about half way through this one.
I just found it kind of shallow and repetitive. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a fluff book and corny romance. I have read my fair share of those and on the whole I don't mind them. But this book... I could not stand. I found the main character very annoying. It's like hello, there is a thing called reality, maybe you should check it out. And it seems everyday she comes to the conclusion she is going to make the most of this experience and just have fun. But then, she must forget she made that resolution because the very next day she seems to make it again.
I also find it funny that she loves Mr. Darcy in
Pride and Prejudice yet when that type of character is presented she finds him rude etc. instead of assuming oh, that's how he was in the book, he must have a soft side under that cold exterior. It's like hello, we all hate Mr. Darcy at the beginning and then love him at the end. Don't forget that... duh!
I just found it too ridiculous for me to read right now. It might have been better when I was younger, I don't know. I think I like the other modern woman romance dilemma books better, because it is actually about something and has a great cast of friends etc. This did not have that. Just a bunch of weird people in crazy get up and the main character, who as mentioned before, was not all that likeable. At least for me.
from goodreads |
The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison
1 star
Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. Much is at stake, including the affluent life they lead in their beautiful waterfront condo in Chicago, as she, the killer, and he, the victim, rush haplessly toward the main event. He is a committed cheater. She lives and breathes denial. He exists in dual worlds. She likes to settle scores. He decides to play for keeps. She has nothing to lose. Told in alternating voices, The Silent Wife is about a marriage in the throes of dissolution, a couple headed for catastrophe, concessions that can't be made, and promises that won't be kept. Expertly plotted and reminiscent of Gone Girl and These Things Hidden, The Silent Wife ensnares the reader from page one and does not let go.
My Thoughts
Well... This book did not have me from page one. I did read thirty pages and then just stopped. The author writes about the meals people eat, and how people change their clothes and all that jazz, and guess what I don't really care. It seemed full of needless details. And the characters are not very nice people, I really couldn't cheer for anyone.
I also didn't find it to be very "thrilling". I read a lot of nordic crime, that stuff is thrilling, with twists and turns you never know what is going to happen next.
This seemed to be more of a commentary on what happens when there is stagnation in a relationships, the importance of both partners having similar goals and the importance of talking it through and having give and take. (Yes, I got that from thirty pages). Perhaps if I read my whole "to read" list I will come back to this book. But, for now, there are other books that I feel are more urgent to read then this.
I loved this one review on goodreads, it is a bit wordy but it is a perfect reflection of my thoughts on this book. Thanks Karen on goodreads. Karen wrote:
"At the moment, I am wearing my book reviewing outfit of jeans and a
t-shirt, but soon I will change into some sweatpants to take a nap on
the couch under the window that looks out onto the sprawling landscape
of my driveway. Then I will put on a smart pair of yoga pants and a
crisp k-way jacket to get some groceries. When I get back, having bought
only food that I enjoy because that's who the world revolves around, I
will change into my coffee-making outfit consisting of whatever little
dress still fits after a couple of kids and a sedentary winter, with
some cute uggs because my feet are so darn cold, but will change again
before we eat some adorably twee appetizer of something creamy on a
cracker, and then will change just one more time before dinner into
something that I know my husband will love. If anybody in my house does
anything to disrespect or displease me, I will say not a thing because,
control, but will be plotting some half-assed passive-agressive revenge
whilst smiling, making lunches and making my entire generation seem
petty, privileged, and downright insufferable.
If you could get through this review, I suppose you could get through the book"
I just loved that!
So there you have it my one stars from the summer. If you were able to read any of these books, let me know if you liked them. Perhaps that will motivate me to give them another try.