Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Pigeon Needs a Bath! by Mo Willems

from goodreads
5 stars

Bath time in my household is either awesome or a living nightmare. It varies from week to week. 

My 1 year old either loves splashing in the water and has a grand old time, or she screams like a banshee and is constantly trying to climb out of the tub while you are trying to wash the shampoo out.

My five year old only wants baths, she doesn't like showers and she usually wanst my seven year old to have a bath with her. 

My seven year old, feels that she is too old for baths now and only wants to have showers, which makes my firecracker of a five year old not very happy about the whole situation. Yay! Bath time!!! On the plus side, I usually get my bathroom floor washed with little effort.


Well as the title says, the Pigeon needs a bath, yet he doesn't think so. You need to help this stubborn pigeon realize that he needs a bath.

My Thoughts

Mo Willems, he does it again. I love his Pigeon series. I think they are hilarious. My kids think they are hilarious. That my friend is a winning combination/endorsement. 

Any parent who has to rationalize why their child needs to have a bath will appreciate this book. Willems gets every nuance right, as he does in all his other books. He knows all the excuses children make and personifies it through the pigeon. 

Through this story, and the other pigeon books, the kids get a chance to laugh at how silly the pigeon is being and hopefully that will translate into them realizing how silly they are sometimes when their parents are asking the same thing of them.

My favourite page in this book is when the Pigeon finally decides to take the bath and is trying to get the water just right. It is funny and painful at the same time because it speaks truth.

The Pigeon series is definitely one you should check out and this latest book in the series is the greatest. Happy baths everyone!

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