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Well, school is in full swing and that means illness. First my husband, then Miss P and then Mr S. And now it finally got to me. Lucky! What is with school time and illness. All our kids were healthy before school and then they get sick after the first week. Are illness causing germs on summer vacay too and then they think to themselves "schools on, let's get back to work boys". Or maybe their thinking "that mom looks like she is getting her life a little too organized, better bring her down a notch, ha ha ha."
Whatever the reason whenever the kids are sick I just keep my book close at hand for when I need to snuggle with a sick child and then when I get sick I hope I feel good enough to read. Might as well enjoy the downtime.
Lori Shenher was working on the case of missing women in Vancouver. This is her story about the pains of trying to solve the mystery and the tolls it took on her life both personally and professionally. We learn how easy it was for serial killer Robert Pickton to get away with murder.
My Thoughts
To sum this book up in one word I would use heartbreaking. This was such a heartbreaking read. Here you have a police officer trying to do her best by these women who don't have a lot of advocates and getting stonewalled by so many factors.
This is a tale that shows a broken policing system that still operates in a chauvinistic "atta boy" type culture. The disturbing apathy towards the addicts and prostitutes and other street people that was shown was so sad. The assumption that these people weren't worth the effort to look into their disappearances was sad and rather disgusting. We all have problems, some are more apparent than others. But no matter what our problems are we should be treated with dignity and respect. We should be helped not shoved aside.
The lack of co-operation between police forces was also disturbing. Who cares who gets credit. Why can't people just work together. It also is frustrating how a lot of this investigation came down to no money available, and because of that a murderer was going free.
It was rather ridiculous how long it took to get onto Robert Pickton's farm, especially after he had stabbed a woman and she got away. What did he have on government officials or cops that made them not want to go forward into looking into him. This book really shows how some people are more interested in keeping the status quo of their own life than to do the right thing even if it might affect them.
I really liked how she showed how this affected her. She was stressed and traumatised She showed how hard cases, like this, can lead to burn out and paranoia. It shows the need of mental support for these police officers. Mental illness is not a sign of weakness. Sometimes we don't see the personal sacrifices police officers go through because of their jobs. This gives us an appreciation for some of the hard things they do. To a lot of cops it is not just a job. It is personal.
As with any memoir or autobiography you need to take it with a grain of salt. This is one person's thoughts on what happened. But, even if there are some biases, this book is excellent at showing flaws in the legal system and allows us to question what ineptness we think is acceptable.
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