Thursday, 29 October 2015

The Hanging Girl by Jussi Adler-Olsen

from goodreads
3.5 stars

Today is a very blustery day. The clouds are coming in and I have a feeling that there will be a sprinkle of rain right when I go out to get the older kids from school. It seems to always rain when I go to get the kids. It will stop as soon as we get home but for those ten minutes if it is going to deluge it will.

On a grey like this it is hard to think of anything to do or say. All I really want to do is curl up in a cozy blanket and read or snuggle with Miss P. Looks like I have my afternoon all mapped out!


This is the next installment of the Department Q series featuring Carl Morck. The cold case this time is looking at a girl who was killed on the island of Bornholm. The case takes them to a sun god commune in Sweden and to many other interesting characters. We are also beginning to find out a bit more about Carl and his connection with the shooting that paralyzed one of his partners and killed the other.

My Thoughts

This was another great nordic crime.

Adler-Olsen is the master of parallel story lines. He is able to blend together what is happening with Carl and his team with that of possible people of interests story lines so seamlessly. I always like trying to figure out how he is going to blend the story lines together.

The cold case was interesting and the lady at the commune was a bit crazy! Seriously, how does he come up with some of the characters that he does.

I really wished that more was resolved in Carl's life before his accident. Is he friend or foe? Was he a corrupt cop or was he all above board. I really want to know. I have invested so much into him and I hope he is not a bad cop. I just want answers.

I also wanted Assad's plot to move on a bit more. I know that he has some kind of secret from his former life and I would love to know what it is.

Even with the little movement in Carl's and Assad's plot lines I loved seeing them together and watching their friendship grow. You can tell that they really care for each other and see each other as partners.

If you are a fan of Department Q you will not be disappointed with the latest installment.

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