Tuesday 9 December 2014

Pinkalicious - Victoria Kann and Elizabeth Kann

from goodreads
4 stars

Has Frozen taken over your house yet? Miss V. and Miss G. love to sing the songs but their enthusiasm is starting to wane. Miss P. on the other hand wants to be watching the movie 24/7. When I purchased the movie I was able to get the blu-ray, dvd, digital combo pack for the same price as the regular dvd (thanks Target). So we decided to put the movie on our ipad so the girls could watch it on our long trip. Not a problem. Or, at least it wasn't, until Miss P. discovered how to unlock the ipad, and locate the app in which Frozen could be watched. As soon as she gets up from her nap Miss P. says "Let it Go" over and over (that is what she calls Frozen) finds the ipad (which I thought I had hid very cleverly) and starts the movie up. Now I think Frozen is an alright movie. I even find some of the songs to be rather catchy, but seriously little miss 21 month old! Enough is enough! Luckily over the past week she has been bringing me Pinckalicious to read instead of the ipad. So maybe, just maybe, we are turning the corner. One can hope.


One a rainy day Pinkalicious and her mother decide to make pink cupcakes, but more turned out pink than just the batter.

My Thoughts

This is a really cute book. From the series of books about Pinkalicious, I think it is one of the best. The art work is awesome. I love the different textures used to create the pictures. I love the story. It is believable but with just the right touch of whimsy to make it magical. And for the little girl in your life you loves pink, what book could really be better?

I love the line that the mother uses when Pinkalicious asks for another cupcake. She says, "You get what you get and you don't get upset". The first time I read that I was like "GENIUS" and now that is my go to line when my girls start to pester me with their requests.

The only thing that I didn't like about it was how they portrayed green healthy food. I know that the point of view is from a little girl and that most kids would rather have pink cotton candy than a dill pickle. But at the same time don't use the word yuck in the same sentence as healthy choices. I don't want my kids to think that brussel sprouts are supposed to be yucky when right now they eat them right up. I know, it's a kids book, don't read to much into it, but at the same time I want my kids to like green food. This is just a minor thing, and I omit the "yuck" when I read it so I guess no harm no foul.

I highly recommend this book. The author also writes all the learn to read Pinkalicious books so they are actually nice to read instead of tedious.

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