Tuesday 16 December 2014

Red Car, Red Bus by Susan Steggall

from goodreads
2 stars

Has this ever happened to you. You are reading a book to your children and the whole time you are thinking, I could have written this. This has happened to me on many occasions. Now, I am sure a lot of thought and love go into the books, but sometimes you have to wonder.

Perhaps if I can get my life organized I might put my hand at it. Because seriously, if some of these people can do it then I should be able to do so as well. I'm sure my stories couldn't be any worse.


Colourful traffic drive through a town.

My Thoughts

Well... what to say. If you have kids who really like cars and trucks then they will love this book. If you are trying to teach colours then this would be a great book. If you are looking for something that is a little tedious to read this is the book for you.

I did not enjoy this book. It just identifies the colour and type of vehicle on the page in different sequences. It is a very awkward book to hold as it is super long, so it is almost impossible to hold with one hand, which is important sometimes when you have kids.

The only saving grace is the art work. I love how it shows a little story of a woman and her child trying to catch the bus. There are other little stories that are woven throughout the pictures.

This book didn't hold any of my kids attention. Miss V. liked the fact that she could read all the words, but thought the book was kind of "weird". By the time you get to Miss. V and Miss G. age you are looking for a bit more depth in the story. Even Miss P. didn't like it. She would much rather read Don't Push the Button which is more of an engaging book.

So as said above, a young boy who likes vehicles will like this book. The pictures are worth seeing, but as a whole I didn't really appreciate the book as much as the author and publisher may have hoped for.

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